Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is different than in men. In this article, we will talk about the causes and differences of hair loss in women.

If the hair loss in women is caused by hormonal reasons, when the necessary treatment is done, the hairs grow back. For this reason, we want certain analyzes to be performed first in hair transplants in women. If the hair transplant is taken without an analysis, this will be an unnecessary procedure, because there is a risk that the transplanted hair will not be extended. In case of untreated hormonal imbalance, we definitely do not recommend hair transplantation.

The main reasons for hair loss in women:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Iron deficiency in blood values
  • Reserve deficiencies that occur after birth

Hormonal Imbalances

A certain amount of hair loss is seen in women during hormonal declines or increases. Especially in thyroid hormone imbalances, hair loss is observed. Hair loss in this period can be restored within 8 weeks after necessary treatment.

Vitamin Deficiency

It is the most common reason for hair loss in women. It is the loss of hair experienced due to deficiencies in the vitamin reserves that nourish and repair the hair follicles in the body. Just like the hair loss that occurs in hormonal imbalance, we do not recommend hair transplantation in this type of weaving without eliminating the main source of the problem.

Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency, which we see frequently in almost all women, causes serious problems that progress to early fatigue, weakness, small wounds in the nails and hair loss.

Hair loss is seen less than normal in women during the birth process, the most important reason for this is the increase and change in the estrogen hormone. What looks like hair loss in postpartum women is actually the beginning of the return to the daily shedding routine. During this period, washing your hair with shampoos containing less chemicals and specially produced for the hair, and completing the deficiency of some of the vitamin values formed in the body at the same time will help you in your hair to regain its old carpet.